jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021

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Hello everyone, through this post I am going to write about the best vacation I have ever had.

It was a trip I made alone on August 7, 2021. I traveled to the south of Chile, specifically to the city of ConcepciΓ³n. I had already visited that city a few months ago, but this time I got to know it better, as well as the other cities adjacent to it. You could say that I got to know a large part of the BΓ­o BΓ­o Region.

When I was there, I toured much of the city, to learn a little more about it, since it is known for having beautiful scenery and quiet places. So while I was there I spent a lot of time walking around. Between that, I also had the opportunity to get to know other cities and towns in the region, since I visited Talcahuano, Penco, Tomé, Chiguayante and Lirquén. Moreover, between those weeks, I had the privilege of visiting other places outside the region such as: Salto del laja, Los Ángeles, Santa BÑrbara, and Alto Bío Bío.

These vacations or actually "mini vacations", lasted almost 3 weeks (unfortunately), but without a doubt they have been the best I have ever had. Besides, I had a great companion, my boyfriend was my tour guide, so I enjoyed those days to the fullest. For this reason, so far it has been the best so far. I hope someday, not too far away, to go again or rather, I hope to continue having the opportunity to know the south of my country, because it is beautiful.

I took this picture on one of my trips to Talcahuano. I love it.

Thanks for reading my post.

5 comentarios:

  1. My dear Gigi, I would love to travel to the south of Chile. Many (or all) people say it is very nice and peaceful landscape. I only know the north of our country and it is a "little" dry.

  2. Hi, I like ConcepciΓ³n and its nearby places too. In winter past I did go to Chiguayante and I visit de Manquimavida Hill and the Lenga's wetlands. Both places are really nice to watch birds and search for plants.

  3. MY FRIEND GIGI, to the next time, please take me with you. thank u and bye

  4. Hi gigi, Talcahuano is a beautifull place, I have like 60 cousins over there XD. They always told me that before it smelled very bad there, but with time it no longer happened.
