viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

ππŽπ’π“ 𝟏𝟎: 𝐌𝐘 π„π—ππ„π‘πˆπ„ππ‚π„ π€π‹πŽππ† π–πˆπ“π‡ π’πŽπŒπ„ π‘π„π…π‹π„π‚π“πˆπŽππ’.

Hello everyone. In this last post I'm going to write to you how my educational experience has been this year and some reflections on them.

To begin with, I think that, academically, it has been a good year, so I count it as something good that has happened. At this point I have closed most of my classes and I have passed everything, maybe not as I would have liked, but I did it and in a way I'm happy with that, since, due to anxiety and stress, I did not give the best of me in the last months, and I did it anyway. 

I feel that, compared to the previous year, this one has been better. Last year was worse, I did not know how to cope and I felt very bad most of the year. However, I feel that this year I have been able to cope better, although the only thing that has not worked well, that I have not been able to solve and cope with, is my mental health, which has always been affected by the academic load and family situations.

My life in the last few months has been a whirlwind, and for the same reason I have been in a bad way. However, I somehow try to compensate for that or forget about it by sharing with my pets, exercising at home, talking about anything with my university friends that I still don't have the pleasure of seeing them again and even with the achievements I've had so far. Which I don't know if it's right, since I avoid too many things, and at any moment I can explode, but that's what's happening to me now and that at least makes me happy for a moment.

Yesterday, together with my Taller 3 group, we had a delivery that was actually hard to do. We both tried so hard to do something really good, that we gave our best, leaving aside eating well, sleeping, resting or just having a social life, and we did excellent. We're so happy about that, because lately we have excelled and the teachers have told us so and always end up congratulating us. This situation, I count it as an achievement, but I question the... is it right to put aside your mental health for the sake of feeling that you're doing something right? The truth is I don't know, but situations like that are the ones that have happened to me every year and somehow, that, those achievements make me feel a little better, escaping from my reality, making me feel like I'm not a failure.

Well... To conclude, I feel that the blog has been a good tool to know better the people that surround me virtually. I've always taken the time to read most of what my schoolmates publish, since I enjoy each of the stories and personally, I've also enjoyed it a lot, because I really like to write and express myself, and I'm sure you've already noticed, with all the words I usually have in a post JAJAJA. I hope someday to have my own blog, and write a lot of stuff. Who knows I might end up being a writer instead of an architect. You never know the twists and turns of life.

1 comentario:

  1. Life goes around a lot which is totally true, I hope that in all of them you feel good and you can feel that everything you did previously was worth it.

    I hope you are very well and best regards.
